Charter of confidence
This charter is not only a declaration of ethical intent but also constitutes a foundation document expressing the professional and moral values upheld by the members of GALLICE.
These values have always formed the framework for the professional life of the founder members of GALLICE. They have each been able to experience the strength of their commitment in exceptional positions serving the State and general interests. They firmly uphold the values of democracy, human rights and justice.
Our business is not an ordinary activity. As such, it must have the support of a solid basis of ethics, guaranteeing respect for people and institutions, as well as men guided by faultless moral values.
Article 1 :
GALLICE and members of the company must comply without prevention with moral ethics based on respect for individuals, communities and cultures.
Article 2 :
GALLICE and members of the company must comply with the legal framework of the countries where they work and, in general, any form of legality.
Article 3 :
GALLICE and members of the company must refuse any activity liable to be contrary to French interest, whether at the level of individuals or the economic and public sphere.
Article 4 :
GALLICE retains its independence and autonomy by having full control of its capital, held by individuals of French nationality, all security specialists.
Article 5 :
GALLICE has a duty to excellence in respect of its customers, in order to propose a high level of service in the best possible commercial conditions. It is supported by a team of founder members and experts of a very high level with exceptional competency.
Article 6 :
GALLICE has a duty of transparency and honesty in respect of its customers. It will constantly search for the best possible ways to satisfy the requirements of its customers without ever transgressing the company’s rules of ethics and level of excellence, as well as the commitments made.
Article 7 :
GALLICE and members of the company will observe the greatest discretion in their activity as regards their partners and in observance of the confidentiality of information.
Article 8 :
GALLICE upholds an approach, culture and expertise that exclude dogmatic or corporatist positions. It represents a crossroads of unique skills, networks and cultures from the mix of professional origins of its founder members.
Article 9 :
GALLICE will constantly develop a positive, respectful corporate spirit towards its consultants and employees. It endeavours to bring together personnel of a very high level, selected, motivated and apt to join a demanding team with enthusiasm for problems with safety, risks and strategic intelligence of a particularly complex, sensitive nature.
Article 10 :
GALLICE will monitor and apply changes in policies, legislation and professional charters governing safety and business intelligence activities. It maintains a permanent link with the Authorities, which authorises its recognition by the French Authorities and regulators.